Saturday, December 22, 2007

end of an era

Yesterday was the last party in Helsinki. It's always strange to say goodbye to people you meet at exchange. Because you know that the most of them you won't meet again. Still it wasn't as hard as in Singapore. Those goodbyes are among the worst I've had to say. But of course I'm gonna miss my Helsinki friends. I for sure want to travel around Europe and visit them all. It would be a lot of fun, maybe next summer.

I felt sad sitting in the cab, looking at our place at Ida got further and further away. And seeing Helsinki go by outside the car window. Knowing that in a few days we'll all be spread around the world again, in our homes. Going back to our old lives that are exactly as we left them. However, we realize that we have changed. We have experiences that no one at home has taken a part of. In the beginning they are interested in hearing all about it, but after a while the interest fades. We wanna talk about our memories, but the ones we shared them with are not at the same place as we are. And we realize that we are all never again going to be at the same place at the same time. Of course we have internet but it's not the same thing.

One short period in our lives that we spent together. And we will never share it again. To me, realizing that is worse than having to say goodbye. Because you will meet in the future, but we have all gone on with our lives. We will never be as big parts of each others life again. It's the end of an era that we can never repeat. We can visit and remember, but never live it again.

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