Sunday, November 18, 2007

i'm not the one to surrender

I just watched a disturbing British documentary on TV, called 'Obedient wives'. Basically the point was to teach a couple of women how they should become more like a housewife and surrender to their men. The point was to become more feminine to help the marriage. This woman was saying that you should let the men take care of the finances since men are usually better at this(!). (A bit disturbing thought for me since I study economics and I'm economical...) The woman said that if you let your husband pay for you, you would feel like you're always on a date. That's a startling opinion, and then seeing another woman cutting her credit cards. In the final minutes you hear all these women saying how good their marriage have become since they surrendered. It gives me the creeps.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes it is amazing what kind of nonsense gets put on tv.
