Tuesday, July 8, 2008

no longer unemployed

So I decided to take the job at Maersk. After many thoughts here and there. Thinking about whether I would enjoy the job or not. In the end I felt that I could not turn it down, and not because of the money or the fact that I actually had gotten a job. I think it will be fun. Otherwise I will just work through about two years and then apply for something else somewhere in the world. It will work out I am sure.

Now I just need to find an apartment in Copenhagen for August. Not the easiest task I am sure.


  1. Huge congratulations!! And will keep my fingers crossed that you soon will find a place to stay in Copenhagen. You will have a great time there, after Singapore it is one of my fav cities in the world...


  2. Thank you :)
    I did find a place quite easily and I like it so far at my job. Well, it has only been three days but still. :) And I also like Copenhagen, unfortunately not as warm weather as in Singapore though. But it's raining quite a lot here now so it still has some resemblance to Singapore :)

  3. شركة تنظيف بالرس
    نقوم نحن في شركة تنظيف بالرس بالقيام بكافة عمليات التنظيف الكامل لجميع الأماكن المراد تنظيفها سواء كان منازل ومساجد وقصور وفنادق وشركات وكافة المنشآت السكنية، وهذا لأننا نمتلك كافة ما يلزم للقيام بتلك المهمة على أكمل وجه من خلال المعدات ومواد التنظيف والأدوات الخاصة بالتنظيف، وأيضاً مع الحرص على اختيار عروض تنافسية عالية للغاية لا تحتمل نهائياً المقارنة مع الشركات الأخرى، فلا تحتاروا ولا تفكروا بعد اليوم.
