Thursday, June 18, 2009


Apparently that is the new thing. Instead of burnout. If I would have read it some months ago I would have just viewed it with skepticism. However, when reading the article a week ago I actually recognized it. A few of the points fit to my situation at work. But in my case it is not the manager's fault in delegating or anything like that. It is just the work itself and me. My job and me is just not the perfect match. I guess it kind of felt good reading it, knowing that there are more out there.

To anyone, including myself, I would just say that 'you are the only one who can do anything about it'. Make changes. I would. If I only knew to what. And with the current economic situation it is not the easiest with change.

But at least it feels a bit better know. I think I have reached the stage where I have accepted it and sees it as a means to an end. It does not really mean I am improving. But hopefully I will get there.

1 comment:

  1. a good observation.. i agree 100% with the boreout definition..
