Monday, February 2, 2009


Colored my hair a bit darker yesterday. Now I am thinking I want to do something else to my hair. Usually I cut my hair every 5-6 weeks, but now I think I will wait some more. I am not sure I want this really short hair, I just want it short. I just have to wait and see if I get annoyed at it growing out or not. The problem then is that I would like the change to happen now. A bit problematic though if I want it longer. Perhaps I might cut some kind of fringe again?


  1. löshår är grejen ;>

  2. wait some longer and color your hair blond, please ;-)

  3. nja, så långt hår vill jag nog inte ha, är ju bara några centimeter längre jag vill ha :), men visst någon gång kanske :).

    andi, you wish! haha. I doubt I ever go blond :)
