Sunday, February 1, 2009

three firsts

Another weekend soon almost gone again. Once again stating the obvious: they are way to short. So what do I do to make the most out of the weekend? Right now I am spending the Sunday watching old episodes of Scrubs and spending a little time on YouTube. Cannot really say I am hangover since Saturday was not that rough, but I am planning on having the pizza later. A bad one from Domino's with a lot of cheese and pepperoni. The hangover pizza but without the hangover. Fine by me.

Three and a half hours of Saturday was spent having brunch with K at one of the cafés in town. There are many cafés to go through and we are working on it. In the evening I got to try out a new bar (new for me) with a friend and his friend, Karrierebar. Kind of a nice place, however the music was not the best since it got a little bit too much of house for my taste now and then. It was an evening of many firsts. First the new bar, where I got two Tiger beers with the wardrobe. Which is not the first in that sense, but a first since Singapore. Third, this German friend of my friend was kind of cute. How often does that happen, a German? Like. Never.


  1. German guys are all cute!!!

  2. Andi, dont you think you're a little bit biased? as a gay guy in germany you probably are... :)
