Wednesday, March 10, 2010

night owl revisited

I have a very special daily rhythm these days. Every evening I say to myself that tonight is the night when I am going to bed at a reasonable time. Especially now when I have this course that I am studying for.

But every night I find something to do in the last minute that makes the minutes pass. When I eventually get under the duvet cover I have to read a bit to relax and get tired. Of course all the books that I have been reading lately is so interesting so I have trouble letting them go. Which makes me shut the lights as late as three o'clock the last couple of days. Hence I wake up quite late in the 'morning', around 11 am or 12 pm perhaps. I get something to eat while I continue reading the interesting book where I closed it the night before. Then again I have trouble letting it go even though I should be reading some course literature.

In the afternoon, when I am guilty enough for having read to much in the interesting book I switch to studying and spend the rest of the evening studying. At night when I am done with the studying and think that I should go to bed now to wake up earlier tomorrow. Then I find something to do in the last minute that makes the minutes pass. When I eventually get under the duvet cover I have to read a bit to relax and get tired. Of course the book is so interesting that I have trouble letting it go...

And so on.

I am very bad at breaking habits it seems. Especially when it comes to my night owl habits.

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