Thursday, July 30, 2009

known stranger

Don't you just hate it, when recognizing someone and you cannot for the life of it remember who it is. I saw someone on the flight to Copenhagen today from Stockholm. An older (middle aged?...) man that I think is famous for something in Sweden. Or at least know if not famous.

The first thing that came to mind was that he is somehow involved in politics. Then Bosse Ringholm was the only one popping into my head but it was not him. Because I know how Bosse Ringholm looks like. This was not him. But he had the greyish hair and glasses. Still, Bosse was the only one keep popping into my head. Damn, who was he?

It is not like you can start googling it when you have no idea where to start. And it will haunt me. Til forever. Well maybe until I fall asleep and tomorrow morning I will have forgotten all about it. Then I will remember it again at some point and it will start haunting me til forever. And we do the routine all over again.

Hopefully I will see him in the papers or something so it do not have to haunt me. Til forever.

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