Sunday, July 26, 2009

sneakers on

This unemployment thing is not a good thing for my health. Now when I do not have a routine when it comes to food, I have gained some weight. When working I always had breakfast and lunch at work. It was easy to eat good and healthy food since they had a big buffet and salad and all. Now? I guess I have been enjoying the unemployment and freedom a bit too much.

So now I have finally decided to be on a more restrictive diet. No more crap, I ate so much crap after I was laid off. I had too much time and then you start nibbling on all sorts of stuff. The nibbling is the dangerous stuff. And now I am just about to go for a walk and my luck that the sun just chose to appear. I just hope that my tailbone (from my falling of the swing) does not hurt that much. Usually I do not have a problem with it walking around. So the sneakers will go on in a few seconds and I will head out for a walk.

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