Sunday, June 29, 2008

how i love stockholm

I headed to Stockholm yesterday. I took the subway to Medborgarplatsen on Söder and when I came up to the street this feeling hit me. It was almost overwhelming. I felt it in my heart how much I love Stockholm. It is difficult to explain unless you have not felt it yourself about a city. The only cities I have felt this way for is Stockholm and New York. They have a special place in my heart. So when I got up from the subway I felt this satisfaction about being in Stockholm. Then of course I wondered if I had made the right decision to apply for M in Copenhagen. Since I would like to live in Stockholm for a while. I have thought about it before and if I get a job now with M I will of course take it. Otherwise I will probably apply for jobs in Stockholm.

Stockholm i mitt hjärta

Of course I had to eat lunch at Sandy's. My favorite chicken curry sub!

I got some shopping done. Not that much money was spent. Well, I bought two pair of shoes but then I did some second hand shopping that was not that expensive. And I found exactly what I wanted for a low price, that is perfect :)

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