Wednesday, August 19, 2009

old patterns

Once again back in dear old Sweden. Home for a quickie. Well, not a 'quickie' just a quickie.

I like meeting with Gustaf at the recruitment firm. It gets you thinking. It is almost like going to a shrink (not that I have been to one to really know). He asks those questions that make you thinking. And today I took these tests, and some of the results from those does not mach my personality at all. It is interesting how you see yourself in one way but in fact it is not the truth about who you really are.

I think I realized one thing today. I do not want to work in Stockholm. Gustaf got to hear my hole story today. He then asked me if I think I would end up in old patterns now when I move back to my parents. I said I would not since I know better. But then on the train back home, I realized. Because some where I think I might end up in old patterns working and living in Stockholm. That is my fear. I am not actually sure I would end up in old patterns, but the fear of it makes me not want to work in Stockholm.

I realized that I will always love Stockholm but I do not think I am ready for it. Maybe in the future.

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