Monday, August 17, 2009

wrapping up

I am wrapping up my life. In newspaper.

Noticing the Christmas ornaments? I just took them down. On the other hand, in January they stopped being Christmas ornaments hanging in my window and just ornaments hanging in my window. I really liked them so they stayed.

Last week when I went home I had the same bag filled with clothes. Clothes I don't use. Now I have filled the same bag with another 25 kilos of clothes. Clothes I do use. There is still clothes in the closet. I could probably fill one, or probably two, of these bags more with the rest of the clothes. Then we also have all the shoes. A qualified guess could be that I have around 20-30(!) shoes in my closet. Oh, and all the coats and jackets too. That's another bag.
I am not a shopaholic.

This was supposed to be a post about how I am wrapping up my life. Not about all the stuff I have to wrap. Thank god for L's great parents though, driving down her belongings and taking my stuff with them back up. Otherwise if would never have worked out. Well, then I had to drive down and that's a long drive for clothes, shoes, and some other stuff. My friend have great parents who does things for their daughter's friend.

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