Thursday, August 6, 2009

problems with being unemployed

A few weeks ago I decided to give Bloglovin a try. Loving it. I added all my favorite blogs and it is just perfect to have them all in one place. The problem came when I got unemployed. I did not have that many blogs I followed on a daily basis but it was enough to check in on every evening. Now, I got much more time due to obvious reasons. So I check bloglovin in the morning and in the evening. And a couple of times in between.

Hence I started looking for some other blogs that I could occupy myself with. Now I got 36 blogs on my list. Around 20 of these blogs update on a daily basis. Several with more than one post. Here is where it gets problematic. If you for some reason are busy one day, you will the next morning be up in maybe +150 posts. I will read most of these posts.

I will be in trouble when I get a life and actually am busy with other things during the day instead of refreshing bloglovin.

(You can of course also follow my blog on Bloglovin. Maybe someone else feels like joining my sister in subscribing. Yeah, she is the only one.)

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